ALCS Risk Management Committee
Scope of Work
The Risk Management Committee serves as a collaborative forum to advise the School Director, on policies, procedures and practices as they relate to school safety and risk management.
- Meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 4:30.
- Contact: Pete Rankin, Chair [email protected]
Links to:
The Risk Management Committee (RMC) of the Aldo Leopold Charter School is a standing committee formed by the school’s Director.
I. Risk Management Committee Purpose
The Risk Management Committee serves as a collaborative forum to advise the School Director, on policies, procedures and practices as they relate to school safety and risk management.
II. Membership of Risk Management Committee
a. Committee Membership Profile
The Risk Management Committee shall strive to include at least one staff, parent,
Governing Council member, student, and community member. The school director shall be
an active member of the RMC, and may serve as chair. The RMC shall include at least one
member of the Governing Council.
b. Initial Membership
As this committee is a Director formed committee, the Director chooses the initial
members. In the event that the Committee does not meet for three or more consecutive
months, the Director may appoint new members.
c. New Membership
The RMC may request new members by seeking individuals independently, by posting the
position within the school, by placing an ad through local media or by utilizing the ALCS
Parent Volunteer Coordinator. Any interested individual(s) must submit an ALCS Committee
Membership Application and be placed through the ALCS Committee Membership Policy.
This committee shall review applicants and final appointment is determined by a majority
vote of the committee. Committee membership commences upon signature of the ALCS
committee Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest Document.
d. Membership Termination - A member may be removed from the committee by:
1. Self-removal/resignation.
2. Removal by Director or unanimous vote by committee members.
e. Offices of the Committee
The RMC shall have a committee designated chair and secretary.
III. Risk Management Committee Duties
The Risk Management Committee will undertake the following listed duties and such other matters that relate to school safety and risk management:
a. Review the Safe School Plan and recommend amendments, trainings and other actions
that are necessary for oversight of this policy.
b. Review existing or new policies that relate to Risk Management. New or amended
policies shall be submitted to the Policy Committee.
c. Review new procedures or amendments to existing procedures that relate to risk
management. New or changed procedures shall be submitted to the appropriate overseeing
individual or body.
d. Review school practices that relate to student and/or staff risk management, to include the
documentation process.
e. Complete an annual Risk Management Review, submitted to the Director and the Governing
Council Chair.