ALCS LotteryAldo Leopold Charter School is a public school.
We operate because we offer something that the other schools in the area do not—time out of the four walls of the classroom. In order to attend ALCS, students must submit a short application form and then they are put into the lottery. Names are drawn; students are notified. It is really simple. We are accepting enrollment lottery applications now. You can get a hard copy of our Lottery Application at the front office, or click on the link below to download a copy. You may bring it to the office, mail it, or e-mail it. Addresses are given on the form. Siblings of current Aldo students must fill out an application if they wish to enroll! In any given lottery, sibling names will be drawn first. But you can never jump ahead of someone whose name was drawn in a prior lottery. Lottery Schedule/Dates
1) February 14th at 1:00 pm (Friday) Deadline for application to this Lottery is Thursday, February 13th by 4:00 pm 2) March 14th at 1:00 pm (Friday) Deadline for application to this Lottery is Thursday, March 13th by 4:00 pm 3) April 11th at 1:00 pm (Friday) Deadline for application to this Lottery is Thursday, April 10th by 4:00 pm 4) May 23rd at 1:00 pm (Friday) Deadline for application to this Lottery is Thursday, May 22nd at 4:00 pm 5) June 20th at 1:00 pm (Friday) Deadline for application to this Lottery is Thursday, June 19th at 4:00 pm 6) July 18th at 1:00 pm (Friday) Deadline for application to this Lottery is Thursday, July 17th at 4:00 pm 2025-26 Lottery Application Enrollment Procedures |