ALCS Policy Committee
Scope of Work
The Policy Committee of Aldo Leopold Charter School is established as a Standing Committee of the Governing Council under the ALCS 2009 New Mexico State-Chartered Charter School Renewal Application (as amended 2014).
I. Policy Committee Purpose
The Policy Committee advises the Governing Council to ensure the Council adopts policies that serve as guidelines for its own operation and for the successful and efficient functioning of the School, while adhering to the ALCS mission and vision. The Policy Committee will undertake specific initiatives or priorities as enunciated by the Governing Council .
II. Membership of Policy Committee
The Policy Committee shall include at least one member of the Governing Council and one member of the ALCS staff. Whenever possible, the committee membership shall reflect an equitable balance among school employees, parents, students, and community members. The Director may serve as a member. Committee members shall be free from, or shall disclose, any relationship that would interfere with the exercise of his or her independent judgment as a member of the Committee.
Membership roles:
III. Policy Committee Duties
Consistent with Governing Council and ALCS rules and policies, the Policy Committee will undertake the following listed duties and such other matters within its responsibilities as may warrant its attention.
A.Review new or existing policies, covering personnel, enrollment, and operations, as presented by the Director;
I. Policy Committee Purpose
The Policy Committee advises the Governing Council to ensure the Council adopts policies that serve as guidelines for its own operation and for the successful and efficient functioning of the School, while adhering to the ALCS mission and vision. The Policy Committee will undertake specific initiatives or priorities as enunciated by the Governing Council .
- ALCS Mission: Preparing community leaders of the twenty-first century.
- ALCS Vision: Aldo Leopold Charter School (ALCS) provides an engaging and challenging program emphasizing direct experience, inquiry learning, stimulation of the creative process and involvement in the community and natural environment.
- ALCS supports the intellectual, social, and personal growth of the individual while preparing students to take responsibility for themselves, their communities, and the natural environment. ALCS graduates create sustainable futures.
II. Membership of Policy Committee
The Policy Committee shall include at least one member of the Governing Council and one member of the ALCS staff. Whenever possible, the committee membership shall reflect an equitable balance among school employees, parents, students, and community members. The Director may serve as a member. Committee members shall be free from, or shall disclose, any relationship that would interfere with the exercise of his or her independent judgment as a member of the Committee.
Membership roles:
- Chair – Coordinate and manage the meetings and oversight of the committee. The chair shall be appointed from and by the ranks of the committee.
- Secretary – Manage minutes and ensure that the chair has the minutes for approval and to convey to the Governing Council. The Secretary shall be appointed from and by the ranks of the committee.
- Members – Assist with the function of the committee
III. Policy Committee Duties
Consistent with Governing Council and ALCS rules and policies, the Policy Committee will undertake the following listed duties and such other matters within its responsibilities as may warrant its attention.
A.Review new or existing policies, covering personnel, enrollment, and operations, as presented by the Director;
- Submit to the Director a recommendation concerning a policy, ensuring it follows applicable laws and regulations. The Director will discuss with the Council Chair placement upon a Governing Council agenda for consideration of the policy.